Governing Bodies have a duty (under section 175 of the Education Act 2002) under paragraph 7 of schedule 1 to the Education (Independent Schools Standards) (England Regulations 2010 to ensure that arrangements are made to safeguard and promote the welfare of students. This policy identifies the strategies and processes used to provide a safe and supportive environment for all students.

This Behaviour Policy acknowledges the school’s legal duties under the Equality Act 2010, in respect of safeguarding and in respect of students with special educational needs (SEN).

What the law says:

  • The Headteacher must set out measures in the Behaviour Policy which aim to:
  • Promote good behaviour, self-discipline and respect
  • Prevent bullying
  • Ensure that students complete assigned work
  • Regulate the conduct of students

The Aims of the Policy:

  • To promote positive behaviour for learning
  • To define the role of all staff in promoting standards of behaviour consistent with engendering effective learning
  • To make clear to students what is expected of them
  • To state what is expected from parents and carers
  • To provide guidance on applying the Policy consistently
  • To promote the underlying principle that good conduct centres around ‘making the right choice’

The standard of behaviour expected of all students is included in the school’s Home-School Agreement which parents/carers sign following their child’s admission to Calday Sixth Form.

Overview and Expectations for Teachers/staff

Teachers are expected to follow the Sixth Form Behaviour Policy when teaching Sixth Form students or engaging in extra-curricular Sixth Form activities.

Sixth Form teachers will:

  • Adhere to the Sixth Form Behaviour Policy.
  • Set high standards early in order to help students establish excellent regular attendance and positive behaviours from the start. This includes supporting behaviour management by regularly clarifying and reinforcing learning and social behaviours in line with the ethos of Calday Sixth Form.
  • Apply rewards and sanctions consistently and fairly to all students across the Sixth Form.
  • Reward achievements and reinforce an appreciation of excellent behaviour through positive recognition of individual students or classes.
  • React with early intervention on a teacher level, as required, where there is poor behaviour, a poor approach to learning and/or unexplained absence (teacher intervention).
  • Follow and engage with all steps of the Sixth Form Behaviour Policy for managing poor behaviour, including regularly logging issues on SIMS. This may also include responding to requests for feedback and/or changing classroom practice as a result of necessary intervention directed by the Sixth Form team.
  • Help identify underlying causes of poor behaviour and/or approach to learning and contribute as appropriate towards additional support to help any student.


Stage One – lower level concerns – conduct and lack of effort.

  • Subject teacher to notify Head of Faculty and Head of Sixth Form of concerns.
  • Repeated offences should result in a telephone call home from the subject teacher or HoF.
  • Written warning issued by HoF to the student and meeting with the subject teacher and Head of Faculty.
  • Head of Sixth Form informed of written warning.

Stage Two – failure to improve from Stage One.

  • Persistent failure to produce work, persistent poor conduct across A-Level studies or a serious one-off incident.
  • Meeting with the Head of Sixth Form. Stage Two warning issued with a contract of expectations. This will be reviewed formally with parents after an agreed fixed period.

Stage Three – final warning.

  • Clear written warning from Headteacher which outlines our conditions.
  • Meeting with the Head of Sixth Form and Headteacher.

Stage Four – Termination of placement.

  • Referral to Governors’ Committee for consideration (permanent exclusion).

Appropriate interventions/sanctions will be implemented from Stages 1-3. These will include:

  • Subject Interventions – Seating plans/Work Clinics/Detentions/Removal from lessons.
  • An increase in timetabled study periods.
  • Temporary ban from the Common Room.
  • Removal of home study option.
  • Designated work station for free periods in Quiet Study that will be monitored by Miss Dodd.
  • Removal from school teams/opportunities to represent school/school trips.
  • Loss of Prefect/House prefect status if a Year 13 student.
  • Internal/External Exclusion.
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