Law is one of the most interesting academic subjects you can study. It considers the judicial processes in place which allow disputes to be resolved and looks at how the law influences society’s values. Knowledge of the law can give people more control over their lives and more confidence in their dealings with others.

Studying law will help you develop a strong vocabulary, excellent evaluative skills, effective research skills and the ability to write efficiently, analysing and solving legal problems. Law links well with all subjects.

A Level Law provides an excellent background for university and careers in law, journalism, local and central government, public relations, teaching and a range of management and business areas. Knowledge of law is essential in almost every area of both the private sector and the public sector and therefore it is extremely useful, whether a student intends to pursue a legal career or not.

We would strongly recommend A Level Law for those intending to study law at degree level, as you will obtain very useful experience of the subject before committing to years of intensive and expensive study. Many former students have made clear that the A Level has been invaluable to them when studying for their law degree.  A Level Law is regarded as equal to other A Levels by OFQAL, the examining boards and virtually all universities, even the most highly selective ones.

The course looks at law making and the legal system. It also considers the concept of liability looking at both criminal and civil law. Students look in depth at particular areas including liability for offences such as assault, murder and manslaughter and offences of dishonesty such as theft and robbery. Students will also consider wider concepts such as the relationship between law and morality.

In addition to the Sixth Form entry criteria, students wishing to study this subject are required to have a Grade 6 in English language or literature.

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