Public Examinations
Qualifications such as GCSE and GCEs are assessed and marked by examination boards that are the awarding bodies for these qualifications. The main examination boards currently used by the school are AQA, OCR, Edexcel (Pearson) and WJEC. The Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ) works on behalf of these examination boards to set common regulations and instructions for schools that enter candidates for general qualifications. The school also now takes some examinations using Cambridge Assessment International Education.
All candidates must observe the rules and regulations for assessments, including written examinations, coursework and NEAs. Information for candidates can be found on the JCQ webpages, and are also included in the school’s Student Assessment Handbook below. The handbook also addresses a number of common questions about GCSEs and A Levels at Calday and should be read carefully:
Public Examinations Handbook Summer 2023 (added 16.11.2022)
The JCQ webpages also include information on Access Arrangements, Special Consideration and Reasonable Adjustments; for more information on these please click here.
School Policy Documents
The school policies are designed to promote quality, consistency, accuracy and fairness in assessment and awarding. In all cases, the final awarding decisions are taken by the Awarding Organisations: AQA; OCR; Edexcel; WJEC and others. This document covers the schools’ policy in dealing with the Awarding Organisations, the Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ), internal departments, officers of the school and any other parties involved in awarding matters.
School Examinations and Assessment Policy
Coursework, Controlled Assessments and Non-Examination Assessments
Some subjects involve elements of coursework, controlled assessments and non-examination assessments, many of which are completed prior to the main examinations in May/June. More information about the subjects can be found by clicking here to view the subject-specific sections of the web pages.
Regulations and guidance on completing these assessments are issued to students in the Student Assessment Handbook.