Calday Grange Grammar School is a large examination centre. Our students sit a wide range of public examinations from various public examination boards.  In addition to this, students can also sit specific university entrance examinations and STEP papers.

Examinations are usually conducted in the school hall and gymnasium. The main examination period usually runs from early May until late June, with results days being the last two weeks in August each year. Results days are usually in the last two weeks of August each year. As well as running and organising public examinations, the team in the Examinations Office are responsible for the construction and running of internal examination timetables. 

In this section you will find useful links to public and school examination policies.  Also included are published letters to parents concerning the school’s arrangements for examinations, as well as any other useful information regarding public and internal examinations. 

Links to Timetables and to Examination Policies can be found at the top of the page along with information about Examination Performance and Results.

Key Information

The Summer 2024 Public Examinations Handbook is a useful document for parents and candidates regarding the public examinations and can normally answer any questions you may have. This is issued as a yellow hard copy to students in November for the following summer series.

Students will be briefed before their internal examinations in November 2023.

In the May before their public examinations, candidates are also given an examination briefing reminding them of the arrangements for the exams. A copy of the slides will be made available here.

Public Examinations Handbook Autumn 2023 (added 11/10/2023)
Public Examinations Handbook Summer 2024 (added 09/11/2023)

Key Contacts

  • ​Mrs J Brown, Data, Examinations and SIMS Manager
  • Mrs L Evans, Examinations Officer
  • Mrs J Byrne, Examinations Officer
  • Miss E Nolan, Examinations Administrator
  • Mrs S Colman, Examinations Administrator

For enquiries email us at

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